Friday, January 16, 2015

Getting creative

In our current theme, 'How we express ourselves', creativity is center stage. After many weeks of practicing essential mathematical skills, for example, I challenged Miray and Sule to write a word problem that would use parentheses to solve.

It seems to be just the challenge they need and a great way to inquire into concepts and mechanics of mathematics.

Ms Ak has been helping the class to learn stop motion animation. For practice, they wrote an adaptation of The Cat in the Hat and recruited Kindergarten students to play 'things'.


The process of shooting was fascinating. It's exciting to see the students practicing so many important social skills like resolving conflicts, verbal and nonverbal communication, and adopting a variety of roles.

Regrettably, we learned a difficult lesson about technology when our director, excited to preview the film, accidentally deleted it from the camera memory!

However, seeing how well the class works together and with their little actors, I'm sure they will have no problem shooting the movie again when we have extra time.

This month, we are also emphasizing reading comprehension, formal writing, and mathematics in order to best prepare for the International Schools' Assessment in February.

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