Friday, May 29, 2015

Undokai fun and sweat

You'll know it's the week of Undokai because everyone is wearing their PE uniform, the schedule changes daily, and energy and excitement fill the corridors and classrooms.

Sule, Miray, and Suheda are honored to be this year's English language announcers.

It's important that we be well prepared, so a good amount of time is devoted to practicing marching and standing to ensure that the ceremonies go smoothly.

This year's musical numbers have been the best I've heard!

We have been blessed with lovely warm weather for exercising outside.

We still manage to squeeze academics into our hectic schedule. The students truly developed their capacity for assessments and examinations, skills that will serve them well as they move on to middle school and beyond!

Friday, May 22, 2015


After weeks of planning, researching, organizing, creating, revising, etc, we finally held our PYP Exhibition. The process of setting up began with hanging black fabric to create an intimate gallery space to display our artwork and other learning.

There is something very satisfying about seeing a painting properly hung and lit. The students also used some of their materials to promote the event on a corridor wall display.

On Thursday, we officially opened the doors. The students seemed nervous about how their work would be received by the school community and about delivering their speeches.

Students poured in to see the exhibits and ask questions. Listening to their observations was one of my most enjoyable memories from the event. For example, one younger students commented about how the animals in Miray's Puppy Mills looked sad. Some students found humor in Sule's slideshow, BUILDING BREAK.


Another touching moment was seeing Suheda explaining mental illness to Kindergarteners in a way that they could understand and answering their questions.

I was also a bit surprised at the enthusiasm that the third graders had for the essays!

Finally, it was a pleasure to see Ms Gouge at the evening event. She was impressed by the hard work and deep learning that went into the Exhibition. As one parent said, we are proud of these students for their independence and commitment.

Next week, the students will turn their attention to documentation and self assessment on their Exhibition wikis. Please click on their names below to view their work and reflections.

Miray    Suheda    Sule

My appreciation goes out to everyone who contributed! Thank you!

Friday, May 15, 2015


The warm weather and rest of Golden Week have perfectly prepared us for Undokai. This week, our only activities have been collaborating with our friends at Jinsho and putting the final touches on our Exhibition.

I am always impressed with how courageously JIES students dive into this challenging cultural exchange. Their willingness engage with new experiences is evidence of their international mindedness.

I'm also impressed with their increased physical strength, agility, and endurance.

Undokai is an opportunity for students to challenge their bodies and will. Sule and Miray asked me to help them practice gymnastics during recess!

Of course, next week is all about Exhibition. As a newly authorized IB World School, our Exhibition is truly the culmination of a year of inspired and independent inquiry learning.

We look forward to seeing you at school on Thursday, 21 May, at 5pm.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Exhibition nitty-gritty

PYP teachers around the world agree that the Exhibition is unpredictable. When children direct their own learning, they often find was to make their learning meaningful and messy.

Suheda used this week to complete an exploding balloon painting while wearing wacky professor goggles and listening to Richard Strauss' Also Sprach Zarathustra. It was great to see Sule and Miray collaborating with her to shoot video of the project and set up all the balloons.

I can't wait to see what they all come up with during Golden Week!


We are also looking ahead to the year end performance. The grades 4-6 will be collaborating to create a short musical theater piece incorporating music, drama, and dance. Naturally, our 'Uniters' have taken leadership roles early in the project.