Last week, the Uniters officially started the Peace Crane Club for the Peace Crane Project. I have contacted five other teachers in the USA and South Africa and we will exchange cranes and wishes for peace with them soon.
The class enjoyed teaching the younger students how to fold origami cranes.
Sule drew this lovely illustration to represent our class and I thought it was so fantastic, I just had to share. This kind of independent and inspired work is exactly what we want to encourage and celebrate this year!
I'm glad to see the students getting so busy on their research, writing, and creating. Please visit our student blogs at and leave a comment as a 'guest'. We have had a few teachers around the world leave comments, and look forward to more interaction with students in other schools.
Of course, it's also important to have some silly fun once in a while. Evidently, Suheda's snack was hungry and bit her before she could eat it!